OMF Data Center

The purpose of the OMF Data Center is to house raw data and processed results, which is shared with our research network through the web-based data portal.

  • Wenzhong Xiao, PhD
  • The OMF Data Center is established for online sharing of research data on ME/CFS and online collaboration.
  • We plan to host additional datasets on ME/CFS, Long COVID and related diseases.

The Collaborative Data Center Platform project at the OMF Computational Research Center is to develop and establish a web based computational platform enabling collaborative research centers, investigators and collaborators to store, share, visualize, and discuss their datasets and results online. The goal is to disseminate the information and to foster new insights, hypotheses, and research on ME/CFS, and related diseases.


  1. Develop the OMF Data Center using a leading open source data management platform for publishing, sharing, finding, and using data.
  2. Develop online analysis and visualization tools using a platform-independent browser-based business analytics tool.
  3. Through querying and integration of multiple studies, curate meta data and omics data of the studies on ME/CFS using standard vocabularies.
  4. Integrate a knowledge base and collect data sets on ME/CFS and other related diseases.
  5. Support the ME/CFS research community and other users to understand and utilize the data in the platform in order to generate and test their own hypotheses.

Myalgic Encephalomyelitis / Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME / CFS) Post Treatment Lyme Disease Syndrome (PTLDS), Fibromyalgia Leading Research. Delivering Hope.Open Medicine Foundation®

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  • Questions? Give us a call at 650-242-8669