A Life in Stop Motion: A Film Animator & Research Chemist Shares her Battle with ME / CFS
My name is Inga and I’m an Myalgic Encephalomyelitis / Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME / CFS) patient and OMF supporter.
The scientific research that OMF conducts and funds is a daily source of hope for me. Their research into the biological dysfunction of various systems in ME / CFS patients gives me something concrete I can share with friends and doctors to help explain how serious and real the condition is.
Before I got sick just over 6 years ago, I was studying to become a research chemist and working in the lab all day. I used to go to a Pilates class four mornings each week before heading in to uni. I haven’t been able to work since becoming ill so if a cure can be found for ME / CFS I am most looking forward to having a career that would give me financial independence and a sense of purpose. I would also love to go back to ballet class and travel so I can practice my French again.
OMF’s research into different potential diagnostic tests for ME / CFS is what gives me the greatest hope and sense that we are gathering momentum towards ending the illness. It is the first significant scientific hurdle that must be overcome and will give patients tangible proof of their illness and consequently dramatically improve the way society treats these patients.
For the past few years, I have been using what little energy I have to work on a paper stop motion animation called An Existence Project which portrays what life is like for someone living with a moderate form of ME / CFS. I have been cheered to see the tone of conversations in the media and stigma around the illness shifting. However, much work needs to be done to communicate the serious nature of this illness to the public. I hope my animation will play a small part in creating this change. To follow the progress of my animation search @AnExistenceProject on Facebook or Instagram.
Let’s #endMECFS together. Please visit www.omf.ngo/MayMomentum to find out more.