New Resources and Videos

To help the broader community better understand ME / CFS as we currently understand it, we have recently updated our webpage, What is ME / CFS. What is ME / CFS now includes supporting pages on symptoms and a comparison of the different ME / CFS diagnostic criteria. These resources are meant to be a valuable tool for you that can be shared to help educate your personal community – family, friends, and medical professionals.

In addition, we are pleased to introduce several new short videos for you to share:


YouTube video

What is ME / CFS? Linda Tannenbaum explains ME / CFS in lay terms to help everyone understand the disease and urgent need for research.

YouTube video

Why our work matters. In patients’ voices, learn how OMF is leading research and delivering hope.

YouTube video

What would you do if ME / CFS were cured today?  Hear patients’ responses to what they would do if they were cured today – One answer – – “I’d squeeze every single drop of life out of every single moment!”

YouTube video

Interview of Ronald W. Davis, PhD, at the recent Emerge Australia ME / CFS Research Conference: Dr. Davis describes the devastating impact of ME / CFS on his son, Whitney Dafoe, and on other patients, and emphasizes the urgent need for research funding.

Myalgic Encephalomyelitis / Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME / CFS) Post Treatment Lyme Disease Syndrome (PTLDS), Fibromyalgia Leading Research. Delivering Hope.Open Medicine Foundation®

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