May Momentum
OMF Social Media Toolkit
Campaign Website:
Hashtag: #MayMomentum
Facebook: @OpenMedicineFoundation
Instagram: @OpenMedF
Twitter: @OpenMedf

How can you help us build momentum?
Create a May Momentum fundraiser for OMF starting May 1 and ending May 31 (You can set the goal for any amount you choose).
- Be featured by OMF in a blog post or newsletter for our website and social media! Answer the following questions, and email your responses to
Why are you supporting OMF’s May Momentum campaign?
Why do you think building momentum for research of ME/CFS and related diseases is important?
May 12 marks International ME & FM Awareness Day. What is one thing you think everyone should know about ME/CFS and/or FM and related chronic, complex illnesses?
3. Repost our social media posts about May Momentum on your own social media accounts. Don’t forget to tag Open Medicine Foundation!
4. Post the text below to your social media accounts to let your followers know about May Momentum.
Example Social Media Post for Facebook or Instagram:
This year I am proud to support Open Medicine Foundation (OMF)’s annual May Momentum Campaign. (Briefly describe who you are, your connection to OMF, and why you support our mission!)
In recognition of May ME/CFS Awareness month, this campaign is a special effort by OMF to increase awareness of ME/CFS, Long COVID, and related multi-system chronic complex diseases (msCCD) and raise funds to accelerate urgently needed research.
Myalgic Encephalomyelitis or Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS) is a devastating and complex disease that can present as an array of life-altering symptoms that may change over time and differ from patient to patient. Millions more are now at risk with #LongCOVID.
There are also no diagnostic tests or treatments available for ME/CFS. OMF seeks to change this by supporting medical education and research to find effective treatments.
Please join me by supporting May Momentum. Visit OMF’s May Momentum webpage to discover the option that’s best for you: Thank you for your support!
Social Media Post for Twitter:
.@OpenMedf is kicking off their #MayMomentum campaign! In recognition of #MECFS Awareness month, this campaign is an effort to increase research funding & awareness. Please join me in supporting the millions with ME/CFS, #LongCOVID, and related diseases:
Download graphics for Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram here!
Video Post Example:
Record a short video! Post on your own social media page and be sure to tag Open Medicine Foundation.
Video Transcript Example:
“Hello, my name is (x) and I am proudly supporting Open Medicine Foundation’s May Momentum campaign. (Briefly describe who you are, and why you support our mission.)
In recognition of May ME/CFS Awareness month, this campaign is a special effort by OMF to increase awareness of ME/CFS and raise funds to accelerate urgently needed biomedical research.
Please join me by supporting May Momentum today! You can visit to make a donation or create your own fundraiser. Thank you for your support! Together, we can end ME/CFS.”