Right as we are raising funds for the ME / CFS Severely Ill-Big Data Study, Palo Alto Weekly featured many aspects of the disease and its impact on three patients. It was their cover story, with the first article appearing on page 20. One of those patients, Whitney Dafoe, is the son of our ME / CFS Scientific Advisory Board director, Ronald W. Davis, PhD.
The multiple stories cover personal accounts, our research initiatives and basic facts about the disease. The articles came out in July, but the timing is good because August 8 was Severe ME Awareness Day. These articles did much to increase awareness of this terrible disease.
They also posted the articles on their website here, here and here. We want to express our appreciation for all those who are speaking out about this terrible disease. The more voices telling their story, the louder the call for research funding, the more likely action will happen. It takes courage and sacrifice to reveal personal tribulations to the public. We work with you until the day that this disease is conquered.