May Momentum Tuesdays
Research Updates from Christopher Armstrong, PhD
Christopher W. Armstrong, PhD, is the Director of the OMF Supported Melbourne ME/CFS Collaborative. As part of our May Momentum Tuesdays webcast, he updates the community on the Ocular Motor project to monitor eye behavior in ME/CFS patients, his research into Post Exertion Malaise (PEM), and more!
Watch the full video on YouTube
*Be sure to turn on YouTube’s closed captions to view with subtitles.*
We have just reached the HALF-WAY point of our May Momentum campaign! If you haven’t already, please consider donating today.
OMF’s top priority is research. Together, we’re leading the largest nonprofit effort in history to end ME/CFS and related diseases. Your contribution, of any amount, helps to support the urgent efforts of dedicated OMF-funded researchers.
OMF’s top priority is research.
Together, we’re leading the largest nonprofit effort in history to end ME/CFS and related diseases. Your contribution, of any amount, helps to support the urgent efforts of dedicated OMF-funded researchers.
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Your monthly donation ensures the continuation of research momentum across our six OMF supported Collaborative Research Centers, OMF’s Medical Education initiative, and more.
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More about Christopher W. Armstrong, PhD:
Chris Armstrong, PhD, is a Visiting Scholar at Stanford and is most well-known for his research using metabolomics to observe biochemical alterations in ME/CFS patients. He began his work in this field at the University of Melbourne, beginning a PhD project to apply metabolomics to study Myalgic Encephalomyelitis / Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS) and published his first ME/CFS metabolomics study on blood and urine in 2015.
Since then, Chris has set up collaborative efforts to apply metabolomics to immunological experiments on ME/CFS, observing how metabolism may relate to immune cell function. He has also focused on longitudinal research in ME/CFS while looking to extend metabolic capabilities across the field of ME/CFS to help collate different patient groups.
Learn more about the critical research underway at the Melbourne Collaboration:
May Momentum Tuesdays Schedule
This webcast series is a special effort to update the community on the progress underway at the OMF supported Collaborative Research Centers (CRC)s.
May 3, 2022 – Jonas Bergquist, MD, PhD, OMF Chief Medical Officer,
Director, Uppsala CRC. Video now available.
May 10, 2022 – Alain Moreau, PhD, Director, Montreal CRC. Video now available.
May 17, 2022 – Christopher W. Armstrong, PhD, Director, Melbourne Collaborative. Video now available.
May 24, 2022 – Wenzhong Xiao, PhD, Co-Director, The Ronald G. Tompkins Harvard CRC, Director, Computational Research Center for Complex Diseases & David Systrom, MD, Co-Director, The Ronald G. Tompkins Harvard CRC
May 31, 2022 – Ronald W. Davis, PhD, Chair of Open Medicine Foundation Scientific Advisory Board, Director, ME/CFS Stanford Collaborative Research
Interviews will be shared on YouTube, our website, and via e-newsletter every Tuesday during #MayMomentum!