Just one week left to support #MayMomentum
Two New Research Update Interviews Available!

It’s not too late to support #MayMomentum. Please be a part of our historic effort to advance patient care and fast-track research into ME/CFS, Long COVID, and related multi-system chronic, complex diseases (msCCD).
In the final days of our campaign, your support is more important than ever!
This year we have a special request. Please become a monthly donor during #MayMomentum! When you become a monthly donor, you play an instrumental role in helping us to maintain our momentum and keep research moving forward.
May Momentum Tuesdays
It’s #MayMomentumTuesday! Today, we are delighted to share two new interviews with the Co-Directors of the Ronald G. Tompkins Harvard Collaboration: Wenzhong Xiao, PhD, and David Systrom, MD!
Research Updates with David Systrom, MD
David Systrom, MD is the newest member of OMF’s Scientific Advisory Board. In early 2022, he joined Wenzhong Xiao, PhD, as a Co-Director of the newly named Ronald G. Tompkins Harvard ME / CFS Collaboration at the Harvard Affiliated Hospitals. Today, Dr. Systrom talks about the physiology of exercise intolerance in ME / CFS and Long COVID, the $8 million mitochondrial dysfunction study, and more.
*Due to technical difficulty with audio quality, we have also provided a full transcript of the interview here.*
More About Dr Systrom:
Dr. Systrom is a member of the Brigham and Women’s Hospital pulmonary and critical care faculty and Assistant Professor of Medicine at Harvard Medical School where he directs the Dyspnea Clinic and the Advanced Cardiopulmonary Exercise Testing Program.
He has been on the Harvard faculty for over 35 years during which time he has been studying various forms of exercise intolerance.
Over the past five years, he has used invasive cardiopulmonary exercise testing to investigate mechanisms underlying fatigue, shortness of breath and orthostatic intolerance in ME / CFS and Long COVID. His recent work suggests commonality between the two, in particular, neurovascular dysregulation and related hyperventilation, as underlying symptoms during exercise. He is the Principal Investigator of an ongoing $8 million study of limb skeletal muscle mitochondrial dysfunction.
Research Updates with Wenzhong Xiao, PhD
Wenzhong Xiao, PhD, is Co-Director of The Ronald G. Tompkins Harvard ME / CFS Collaboration, and Director of the Computational Research Center for Complex Diseases.
On today’s #MayMomentumTuesday webcast, Dr. Xiao explains why data sharing and data analysis is critical to research of ME / CFS, Long COVID, and related multi-system chronic, complex diseases (msCCD). He additionally discusses how data analysis can help with the launch of new pilot treatment trials!
*Turn on YouTube’s closed captions to view with subtitles!*
More About Dr. Xiao:
Wenzhong Xiao, PhD is Director of the Immuno-Metabolic Computational Center at Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH), Harvard Medical School. He also leads a Computational Genomics Group at Stanford Genome Technology Center (SGTC). His research is at the interface of computation, genomics and medicine.
A major bottleneck of genome medicine today is around data analysis, interpretation, and integration. His research interest is to develop approaches to address these challenges and to help translate genome technologies to better disease diagnosis, prevention, and therapeutics, especially in studies of human immune and metabolic diseases.
In collaboration with research at SGTC and Open Medicine Foundation, his lab has been analyzing the Severely Ill Patient Big Data Study and other studies on ME / CFS and comparing ME / CFS with other diseases.
Can’t donate? No problem! There are many ways you can support May Momentum. It’s not too late!
- Create your own digital fundraiser
- Help spread the word about #MayMomentum on social media
- Learn more: www.omf.ngo/maymomentum2022
Thank you for your support.
We are so grateful to have you as part of our OMF Family! ♥
May Momentum Tuesdays Schedule
This webcast series is a special effort to update the community on the progress underway at the OMF supported Collaborative Research Centers (CRC)s.
May 3, 2022 – Jonas Bergquist, MD, PhD, OMF Chief Medical Officer,
Director, Uppsala CRC. Video now available.
May 10, 2022 – Alain Moreau, PhD, Director, Montreal CRC. Video now available.
May 17, 2022 – Christopher W. Armstrong, PhD, Director, Melbourne Collaborative. Video now available.
May 24, 2022 – Wenzhong Xiao, PhD, Co-Director, The Ronald G. Tompkins Harvard CRC, Director, Computational Research Center for Complex Diseases. Video now available.
David Systrom, MD, Co-Director, The Ronald G. Tompkins Harvard CRC. Video now available.
May 31, 2022 – Ronald W. Davis, PhD, Chair of Open Medicine Foundation Scientific Advisory Board, Director, ME / CFS Stanford Collaborative Research
Interviews will be shared on YouTube, our website, and via e-newsletter every Tuesday during #MayMomentum!